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About me

I have been hired to do the work of scrum master for a private corporation. I just started last week. I plan to document what I am doing here so as a method of thinking it through and talking it out.
Perhaps you might find it interesting, or not.

My history; I have worked in IT since 2005 with a variety of teams. I have done, and dislike, waterfall. I have managed scrum, kanban, and scrumban teams. I personally prefer kanban for its lightweight nature.

I have done the agile management work roles (if not titles) of business system analyst, (technical) project manager, and product manager.

I have had the IT roles of (if not titles) manual quality assurance, system administration, network administration, database administration, active directory manager, deployment manager, and enterprise server help desk.

I have worked in environments where I needed to have hippa and pic compliance.


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