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Showing posts from June, 2018

How do I find the Custom Field ID in Jira Cloud?

So you need to find the Custom Field ID in Jira Cloud. Perhaps you need the ID for a custom field to work on soem code, an API call or a script. How do you find it? You can find the ID in the URL when managing custom fields Jira - Settings - Issues - Fields - Custom Fields https://*** Select "Edit" on the desired custom field .../admin/EditCustomField!default.jspa?id=12802 There you go! It is that number at the end of the URL Alternately, you can use ScriptRunner Jira - Setttings - Add-ons - Script Runner - Script Console and run the following def issueKey = '***-####' def result = get('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey)         .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')         .asObject(Map) if (result.status == 200){     return result.body.fields } else {     return "Failed to find issue: Status: ${result.status} ${result....

The dreaded "Clone" in Jira

Jira Cloud Scrum Teams Case: We clone template issues, as our work is repetitive, and get “clone” in the summary and it makes it hard to read. Built-In Jira allows you to remove "Clone" from the story you are cloning, but if you are also copying the sub-tasks there is not the option to remove it. There are ways to turn this off in Jira Server, but I could not find it in Jira cloud. Solution: Jira - Settings - Add-Ons - ScriptRunner - Escalation Service The Escalation Service called: Remove Clone In Summary As this user: (myself) Checked - enabled On this schedule: Every Hour For first 50 results returned by this query:  Project in (pipe) and Summary ~ "CLONE" Will run this code:  // check if issue.fields.summary looks like "CLONE -" def updatedSummary ="" if (issue.fields.summary.startsWith("CLONE -")) {     //if so, modify issue.fields.summary to not suck.     updatedSummary = issue.fields.summar...

Jira - support tickets needing reporter sign off

Environment: Jira Cloud Agile Methodology: Kanban Situation: Support ticket flow Customers report an issue, issue is worked then placed in "Verify" to get sign off from original reporter issue is resolved. Customers (reporter) don’t always know what verify means.  The below script sends an introductory email explaining the status and our expectations. How? Workflow - Edit Transition - Post Function - ScriptRunner Post-Function - Send Notification Description: Email Reporter when ticket enters Verify Checked  - Enable Post function Condition Script Context: issue.fields.reporter != null Checked - Notify reporter Users: Groups: Subject: A Ticket You Opened Has Entered Verify Message Script Context: def fields = get('/rest/api/2/field')         .asObject(List)         .body as List<Map> """Dear ${issue.fields.reporter?.displayName}, The ${} ${issue.key} that you created has ...

Jira Administration

Some things I have setup in Jira to make life better for me, with the way we work. Use Case 1: You should not close a story when sub tasks are not complete How? Jira - Workflow - Edit Transition Condition, before allowing a story to Status Category Done "All sub-tasks must have one of the following statuses to allow parent issue transitions:" (All done statuses) Use Case 2: You should not close a story until the blocker or impediment is resolved. How? Jira - Workflow - Edit Transition Condition, before allowing a story to Status Category Done "Value Field" The field Flagged will have to be not equal to value '"Impediment"'. Compared as String. Use Case 3: Set resolution when completing an item. Why? If no resolution is set some reports and metrics don't calculate correctly. How? Jira - Workflow - Edit Transition Done Post Function, Status Category = Done JMWE The value(s) of field Resolution of the current...