Here are some free resources I plan to try for sprint planning. Let me know what you think if you enjoy doing planning poker as your given method of story-pointing and try these or have others to recommend.
So you need to find the Custom Field ID in Jira Cloud. Perhaps you need the ID for a custom field to work on soem code, an API call or a script. How do you find it? You can find the ID in the URL when managing custom fields Jira - Settings - Issues - Fields - Custom Fields https://*** Select "Edit" on the desired custom field .../admin/EditCustomField!default.jspa?id=12802 There you go! It is that number at the end of the URL Alternately, you can use ScriptRunner Jira - Setttings - Add-ons - Script Runner - Script Console and run the following def issueKey = '***-####' def result = get('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey) .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .asObject(Map) if (result.status == 200){ return result.body.fields } else { return "Failed to find issue: Status: ${result.status} ${result....
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