I have been working to get all the access I need.
I do not yet have the ability to host, A/V meetings (there are remote team members), but I have scheduled a place holder retrospective for this Friday.
I do finally have a working phone, wifi, VPN (just in time I broke my Bluetooth headset).
I have made a list of proposed fields changes for our electronic scrum board. One other scrum master agrees with me, the other made valid comments so I changed some items, the rest have not responded. I have I gotten approval to become an administrator, and need to relay that to the current administrator.
I have calculated the average velocity, and went over the priorities for the next sprint. This planning session will be painful as we are not groomed.
I have started to work out what reports I would like, but we don't have a data warehouse or a module (they cost money) for time reporting or ad-hoc reporting.
The scrums seem to be going OK, I will check in on them at retro but I am trying to make them predictable, fast, on topic.
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